My northern friends make fun of me all the time when I
complain about how cold it gets here.
And don’t get me started on comments on my posts with pictures of
snow.  Me: “We got an inch of snow and
everything’s shut down!”  My friends: “Eh,
we call that Tuesday.”  

Anyhow, here in north Alabama, we’re at 29 degrees with a
windchill factor of about 20. That’s COLD for us. So, I’m sitting here in my
den trying to stay warm—fireplace, blanket, socks on my feet, and a sweater.
Even with all that, I’m still not quite there yet. It also doesn’t help I live in
a household full of men who consider any temperature in the house above 70
degrees unbearable. So, I’m hoping someone doesn’t come in and decide it’s just
too hot in the house. Because, believe
me, it’s not!  LOL

One thing good about this though, is I’m in a good spot to
think about my writing.  A writer’s mind is
full all the time with one thought or another about where our stories need to
go.  We might have a love scene running
through our minds, or how we can make a sad scene even sadder, OR we might just
be plotting a murder. Right now I’m considering dropping some scenes from His Destined Mate that I just don’t
think are necessary. One involves food—grits to be exact—and I’m just not sure
how important it will be in the whole scheme of things. Sure, grits are delicious (don’t knock ‘em
until you’ve tried ‘em—especially mine), but on balance, I believe it’s going
to have to go.  I’m also working back in
some revised and shortened scenes from my bad guy’s POV I had deleted.  He was really
bad and the feeling was it might have been too
much for a romance, so out they went. But now…
Let’s just say I’m reconsidering.

The book has been finished, but Law and Rachel’s story is
the first in my paranormal romance series, and I want it to be just right. This
book establishes the tone of the series and sets the stage for many more
stories to come, with the reader meeting several characters who will have
stories of their own—some sooner than others.

By the way, I absolutely love these characters.

I know. I know. All authors say the same thing. But,
honestly, after spending so much time developing these two lovers and the cast
surrounding them, I’ve grown especially close to them. They’re my first
creations and hold a special place in my heart. I want them to hold a special
place in the hearts of readers too.

Anyhow, if I can just sit my butt down and get busy, I can
make the changes I need and FINALLY get this book published.

Oh, and did I mention I have a couple of other irons in the
fire? Yeah, I do.  I have to finish the
first book in my Parson’s Ridge Series (older woman/younger man stories), before I get His Destined Mate out. I’m about halfway
through with this novella and want to be finished sometime in February. It will
be the first in a seven-book series. I’ll have more on this later.

Okay, I guess it’s time to get back to business—and I think
I need to put on an extra pair of socks.

Let’s do this again!

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